
Uploading recordings with GitHub Actions

The GitHub action replayio/action-upload makes it easy to upload recordings, but if youโ€™d like more control you can also use the @replayio/replay CLI to upload replays. See instructions here.

Upload replays

By default, the GitHub action will upload all failed recordings.
- name: Upload replays if: always() uses: replayio/action-upload@v0.5.0 with: api-key: ${{ secrets.RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY }}

Upload all recordings

If youโ€™d like to upload all recordings regardless of whether the test passed or failed, you can pass in a filter field
- name: Upload Replay recordings if: always() uses: replayio/action-upload@v0.5.0 with: api-key: <API Key> filter: ${{ 'function() { true }' }}

Make recordings public

By default recordings will be private and only available to yourself or members of the workspace. If youโ€™d like to make the recordings public so that anyone with the URL can open them, you can pass in the public field.
- name: Upload Replay recordings if: always() uses: replayio/action-upload@v0.5.0 with: api-key: <API Key> public: true

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