Sample config.yml (link)
javascriptversion: 2.1 # Define a job to be invoked later in a workflow. # See: jobs: replay-upload: # Specify the execution environment. You can specify an image from Dockerhub or use one of our Convenience Images from CircleCI's Developer Hub. # See: docker: - image: cimg/node:18.4.0-browsers # Add steps to the job # See: steps: - checkout - run: name: "Install Dependencies" command: "npm ci" - run: name: "Run Cypress Tests" command: 'npm run test:e2e -- -- --browser "Replay Firefox"' environment: RECORD_ALL_CONTENT: 1 RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_FILE: /tmp/replay-metadata.log - run: name: "Upload to Replay" when: always command: | npm i -g @replayio/replay@latest export RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_SOURCE_COMMIT_TITLE="$(git log --format=%s -n 1)" replay metadata --init --keys source --warn replay ls replay upload-all --api-key $RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY # Invoke jobs via workflows # See: workflows: cypress-test-workflow: jobs: - replay-upload: context: replayable
Important parts:
Use the CircleCI image rather than the Cypress image
This env variable is optional but does improve the metadata
Secrets are stored in contexts which must be selected in the workflow and
like if: ${{ always() }} on GH, when: always ensures that the upload happens when there are failed tests