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CLI tool and Node module for managing and uploading Replay recordings and installing Replay Browsers.


When using the Replay plugins to record automated tests or the Replay version of Node, recordings which are created are saved to disk, by default in $HOME/.replay. This package is used to manage these recordings and upload them to the record/replay web service so that they can be viewed.
Check out the "Recording Automated Tests Guide" to get started with recording Cypress or Playwright tests.


npm i @replayio/replay --global


npx @replayio/replay <command>
Possible commands are given below. These may be used with the --directory <dir> option to override the default recording directory, or --server <address> to override the default server address. When uploading, an API key is required, which can be passed via --api-key <key> or by setting the RECORD_REPLAY_API_KEY environment variable.


View information about all known recordings.
  • -all: Include uploadedcrashUploaded and unusable recordings in the output.
  • -json: Prints a JSON array with one descriptor element for each recording.
Recording descriptors have the following required properties:
  • id: ID used to refer to this recording in other commands.
  • createTime: Time when the recording was created.
  • runtime: Runtime used to create the recording: either geckochromium, or node.
  • metadata: Any information the runtime associated with this recording. For gecko/chromium recordings this is the URI of the first page loaded, and for node recordings this is the original command line arguments.
  • status: Status of the recording, see below for possible values.
The possible status values for a recording are as follows:
  • onDisk: The recording was fully written out to disk.
  • uploaded: The recording was fully uploaded to the record/replay web service.
  • startedWrite: The recording started being written to disk but wasn't finished. Either the recording process is still running, or the recording process was killed and didn't shut down normally.
  • startedUpload: The recording started being uploaded but didn't finish.
  • unusable: The recording was marked as unusable for some reason, such as a stack overflow occurring.
  • crashed: The recording process crashed before finishing.
  • crashUploaded: The recording process crashed and the crash data was uploaded to the record/replay web service for analysis.
Depending on the status the recording descriptor can have some of the following additional properties:
  • path: If the recording started being written to disk (including before being uploaded), the path to the recording file.
  • server: If the recording started being uploaded, the address of the server it was uploaded to.
  • recordingId: If the recording started being uploaded, the server-assigned ID for this recording which can be used to view it.
  • unusableReason: If the recording is unusable, the reason it was marked unusable.

upload <id>

Upload the recording with the given ID to the web service.

process <id>

Upload a recording, and then process it to ensure it can be replayed successfully.


Upload all recordings to the web service which can be uploaded.

view <id>

View the the given recording in the system's default browser, uploading it first if necessary.


View the most recently created recording in the system's default browser, uploading it first if necessary.

rm <id>

Remove the recording with the given ID and any on disk file for it.


Remove all recordings and on disk recording files.


Updates any installed browsers used for recording in automation: playwrightpuppeteer, and cypress.


Allows uploading production sourcemaps to Replay's servers so that they can be used when viewing recordings.